Modern Medicine Re-imagined

4 min readApr 13, 2022


The world is changing drastically. Non-fungible tokens are entering the mainstream as the Bored Ape Yacht Club and other NFT projects rise in popularity, including news in various mainstream media outlets. Because of HIPAA and other restrictions in the medical field, healthcare is often the last industry to accept and integrate novel technologies. NFT and metaverse applications are both rising in popularity throughout the crypto world and even among legacy institutions. Aimedis is the first healthcare company to introduce NFTs and metaverse into its eHealth platform. As the rest of the healthcare space is planning their utility in these fields, we are already live and delivering modern blockchain solutions to arcane healthcare issues.

What is a NFT?

A NFT is a non-fungible token. Unlike the euro or dollar where each and every unit is interchangeable and equivalent in value, an NFT is unique and value will vary based on intrinsic, unique features. For the unversed in crypto, NFTs are akin to stamps or baseball cards which you might collect and show off to friends at a party. Similarly, NFTs are collectible, unique blockchain-based entities and include everything from pictures of apes to a collection of medical data.

With Web3 redefining user control over data, it is high time to give patients control over their medical information. The new world wide web, Web3, allows you as an end-user to control your data with your unique Web3 address, secured by your seed-phrase. In contrast, Web2 (controlled by large conglomerate companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple and so on) own your data and sell it to third parties for revenue. While you may believe these platforms are “free,” in reality, they are not, as your data is in fact valuable. The revolution of Web3 is returning your data to you! Aimedis is at the forefront of Web3 in its application to healthcare as we return control of your data back to you, the end-user.

With our revolutionary healthcare NFT platform, you are truly in control of your own medical data. This is vastly different from current-day practices where big pharmaceutical companies reimburse healthcare systems and hospitals, rather than patients. The idea that hospitals charge patients and then also sell patients’ data to pharmaceutical companies to generate more revenue at patients’ expense is absurd and Aimedis is changing the game in that respect. Not only are you in control of your personal medical data, you are the full-fledged owner and will be reimbursed for its use. This means that if a big pharma company wants to use your medical data for research, it will pay you for its use.

Healthcare and NFTs

The world’s first medical and scientific NFT marketplace will finally standardize the process of monetizing medical and scientific data and thus will expand this multi-trillion-dollar market to the world. Aimedis NFTs generate simple and well-organized sets of data, always immutable, and easy to follow on the blockchain while keeping the sources of the data strictly anonymous. Revenues can now be predicted as the prices of medical and scientific data are now easily calculated, introducing a new standard in medical and scientific data. New data sources and buyers including hospitals, health systems, AI platforms, healthcare product manufacturers, medical hardware companies, IoT providers, and other healthcare institutions will participate and contribute to this novel B2B platform which will change and improve the lives of millions of people all around the globe. Lastly, the Aimedis NFT marketplace handles medical art NFTs, as well as, NFTs that exist as a deed of ownership for land, property, and items sold and exchanged inside Aimedis Avalon.


Aimedis is an innovative, blockchain-based healthcare startup that is repurposing trail-blazing concepts in the crypto sphere for healthcare applications. Over the last several weeks, the company has secured several partnerships with other leading healthcare brands and added key personnel who will help the company deliver on its promises to improve patient care and outcomes. Aimedis is actively developing the future of modern healthcare with its own metaverse, as well as, health data packaged into easily exchangeable non-fungible tokens (NFTs). From partnerships to collaborations to hiring pillars of the medical community, the future of Aimedis is bright and the promise for a better tomorrow stands tall.

-The Aimedis Team

About Aimedis:

Aimedis is a novel healthcare ecosystem combining medical records, communication tools, prescriptions, sick certificates, second opinions, IoT and tracker devices, the world’s first healthcare metaverse and the first medical and scientific NFT marketplace, a pharmacy, and a social medical network, a place to meet other patients and connect to healthcare professionals worldwide. Blockchain technology supports trust and credibility of information and data exchange. Aimedis is multilingual and serves people everywhere in the world. Learn more at

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